Canterbury Renovations – 310 Fisk Street
Canterbury Place Updates and Renovations
From UPMC:
The project inside Canterbury Place has been going well. We are currently working on the 4th and 3rd floors. Our schedule has us completing the 4th floor work in May and the 3rd floor work in July. We will start the 2nd floor work after the 4th floor is completed with the entire project completing by the end of the year if not earlier.
We have a new chiller unit that will sit on the roof of the third floor of Canterbury Place. In order to set this unit we will have to close Fisk street on Saturday March 7th for 4 to 5 hours. We will start early around 7:00 so that the street is open by noon. We will be setting up a crane in our drive into the garage to lift the unit into place. The majority of the time the street is closed is for preparation for the lifts. There will be at least 2 lifts as the chiller will be in at least two pieces. I have requested a plan from the contractor showing the area impacted and the posted detour so you may distribute it ahead of time. I will forward that soon as I have it.
Obviously this will be weather dependent work and hopefully the cold windy snowy weather that is forecasted for this weekend will not be an issue on the weekend of the lift. If we should have to cancel the lift for any reason, I will give you as much notice as possible.
We know this in an inconvenience to those who live on Fisk and in the area and will be doing everything we can to minimize the duration of the closure.
The renovation of Canterbury Place to include a Dialysis Clinic is underway. Crews have started to frame the new rooms on the 4th floor and have begun the demolition work on the 3rd floor. Right now, it is all internal work and construction. Construction of the parking lot is not slated to begin until late spring, and the new roof units will be added once the weather is nicer.
Residents met with Canterbury Place representatives to discuss their renovation plans for 3 floors of Canterbury Place. The 3 floor renovation would allow them to add more skilled nursing beds, which they are currently at a 98% occupancy, to meet the demand. As part of the stipulation from the state, Canterbury Place must also have an on-site dialysis center to qualify for the additional beds.
In order to build the dialysis center, a garage door repair Macon added that a small parking lot will be placed on Fisk Street near the double doors, uphill from the main entrance. The parking lot will hold 5 cars and will incorporate landscaping and extensive greening to that portion of the Fisk Street facade.
You can find the full power point that representatives presented here.
To accommodate their renovations, Canterbury Place will be filing for a Change of Use and Special Exception, allow proper set-back for parking lot, with the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Residents, primarily, seemed concerned over the length and impact of the construction, as well as, the frequency of use for the parking lot.
Once zoning approval comes through, Canterbury Place representatives planned to meet with Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, and residents to discuss ways to mitigate the impact of the project for residents.