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2013 Halloween and Light Up Lawrenceville Events
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Nomination to Historic Places Register
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3813 Penn Avenue – Arsenal Cider Lot
Community Meeting: Off-site Parking for 300 39th Street 6th Ward Block Watch St. Augustine’s Auditorium – 220 37th Street 2.24.2014 7:00p Arsenal Cider House, located at 300 39th Street will be presenting plans relevant to the special exceptions that they are seeking for 3813 Penn Avenue from the Zoning Board of Adjustments in a hearing…
Swim Lessons at Arsenal – Round 2!
Please click HERE to download a PDF of this registration form.

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Announcement of Open Position: Farmers Market Manager
To open as a PDF, please click HERE. — Announcement of Open Position Lawrenceville Farmers Market Manager Part-Time (10-15 hours/week), Year Round About Lawrenceville United Lawrenceville United (LU) is an inclusive, resident-driven community-based non-profit organization dedicated to improving and protecting the quality of life of all Lawrenceville residents. LU is an equal opportunity employer…