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Brewery Coming to 4901 Butler Street
The business owners who will be leasing this space from Wylie Holdings have applied for a special exception from the Zoning Board to open a small brewery at 4901 Butler Street. They have a hearing scheduled for March 7, 2013. Steve Sloan, the owner, has offered to meet with any individuals who may have concerns or questions. …

2024 LU Board Elections + Spring Membership Meeting
The LU Spring Membership Meeting & Board Elections will be held on Thursday 6/13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clemente Museum (3339 Penn Avenue) and streamed live on LU’s Facebook page at More information about the meeting: How to become a member, or renew your membership: If you need to renew your membership, or have never been a member of…
Gun buyback SATURDAY 9.21.2013
Given the recent spike in gun violence in the city, The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, Lawrenceville United, County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, City Councilmen Ricky Burgess and Patrick Dowd, and State Representatives Dom Costa, Edward Gainey and Adam Ravenstahl have joined forces to implement a gun buyback program, to be held on September 21, 2013….
Doughboy Centennial
Want to make a donation to keep the Doughboy looking good for the next hundred years? Make a contribution to the Doughboy Statue Centennial Fund via GoFundMe here. Want to help with future work days to keep the Doughboy area looking beautiful by weeding, mulching, planting, and more? Sign up to be a volunteer and…
LIVE! in Lawrenceville Annual Fundraiser 9.14.2013
LIVE! in Lawrenceville Success and Thank You! On Saturday September 14, 2013, members and supporters of Lawrenceville United came out to celebrate the work of the organization and to also celebrate community! More than 200 people attended LIVE! in Lawrenceville, the first recurring fundraiser focused solely on supporting Lawrenceville United and our programs. The evening…
Lawrenceville Housing Survey
Our friends at Lawrenceville Corporation are working on solutions for affordable housing, and they need to hear from you about your housing experience. The survey takes about 5 minutes, and the answers will guide work moving forward, so the more responses we get, the better we can serve you! Your responses…