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Recap of Community Development Activities Meeting on URA Request for Proposals on 62nd St (6111 Butler St)
On Thursday, February 22nd, at 6:30 PM, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation hosted the Community Development Activities Meetings at Tree Pittsburgh (32 62nd St). The CDAM focused on the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh’s open Request for Proposals (RFP) for the 62nd Street Site (6111 Butler St). The RFP is open until February 29, 2024….
Lawrenceville United Housing Request for Proposals Released with Updated Properties EXTENDED
The Application Deadline has been extended until August 9th! Lawrenceville United (LU)[1] works to improve the overall quality of life for Lawrenceville residents and stakeholders. LU has worked over the past twelve years to eliminate blight throughout Lower, Central, and Upper Lawrenceville by targeting nuisance and problem properties and prioritizing the demolitions, acquisition and redevelopment…
Community Meeting for C & R Towing
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Capuchin Property Redevelopment
March 22, 2016 The Province of St. Augustine Order of the Capuchin #1, owners of the buildings in the 3600 block of Butler, met with the community to share their plans for renovating the site. Meeting notes and a project description are provided below. Their plans will be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Adjustment March…
Recap of Happenings 5/9/24: POGOH, 311, & Main/Penn traffic calming
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