Honoring Our Wisdom Keepers: RSVP ASAP!
You’re invited to participate in an interactive storytelling and movement workshop with Attack Theatre as a kickoff for a public art and oral history project that celebrates and memorializes the stories of our neighborhood “wisdom keepers,” especially older women, and their contributions to the Lawrenceville community.

Over the next few months, stories and memories from long-time neighbors will be captured and preserved on historypin.org. The project will culminate in a public art display by Maggie Nagrete that will memorialize some of their most treasured community builders and refer onlookers to the story collection. You can meet Maggie at this kickoff event and hear lots more about how you can help collect stories and nominate wisdom keepers that you know.
Please register for the kickoff event at Attack Theatre here: https://bit.ly/WisdomKeeperProjectKickoff