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LIVE! in Lawrenceville, September 9th at 7pm
Join us for LIVE! in Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville United’s annual party and fundraiser celebrating the neighbors, volunteers, and leaders that make Lawrenceville special. Admission includes food and drinks from local businesses, retro games, and a dance party featuring Arie Cole. Tickets $30 at the door $25 in advance ($40 for a pair) $15 for volunteers $10 for…
Community Meeting on Mintwood Warehouse Conversion
Please join us on Monday, January 29th at 7 p.m. at the regularly scheduled 6th Ward Block Watch for an important community meeting. The meeting will be located at St. Augustine’s Church in the Lower Room. Lawrenceville Properties LLC is proposing a conversion of a currently unused warehouse on the 3600 block of Mintwood Street…
Salac’s Bar is becoming a restaurant
Sweet Ride, LLC. recently purchased Salac’s Bar and is planning to open a Cuban food restuarant, with a focus on food and not liquor.
Lawrenceville United Bi-Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections 5.29.2013
We would like to invite you to attend our General Membership meeting on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 @ St. Augustine’s Auditorium at 6:30p. Each year, Lawrenceville United hosts two (2) General Membership meetings, in the spring and fall to report on the work that has been completed, the work that is planned, and to engage…
11th Hour Brewing Meeting Recap & Update
March 15, 2016 Thanks to all who attended the meeting on 11th Hour Brewery (3701 Charlotte Street) on March 9, 2015. The owners shared their plans and responded to resident questions and concerns about the project. They also completed our standard information sheet, which lists information on their hours, menu, amplified sound, and other details on their proposed…
AdvantAGE Home Repair Program
A generous local construction company has agreed to donate services to Lawrenceville United’s AdvantAGE program to help older adults and people with disabilities in Lawrenceville with simple repairs to improve safety and weatherize their homes, based on need. Examples of eligible projects include: roof repairs, leaks, installing handrails, repairing steps, installing grab bars in a…