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Doughboy Centennial
Want to make a donation to keep the Doughboy looking good for the next hundred years? Make a contribution to the Doughboy Statue Centennial Fund via GoFundMe here. Want to help with future work days to keep the Doughboy area looking beautiful by weeding, mulching, planting, and more? Sign up to be a volunteer and…
Public Information Meeting – Lawrenceville’s nomination to the National Register of Historic Places
The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office, the Pittsburgh Department of City Planning and the Urban Redevelopment Authority have been working with the Lawrenceville community to see the neighborhood added to the National Register of Historic Places. Please join us at 6.30 PM on Monday, December 10th at the Goodwill Workforce Development Center (118 52ndStreet, 15201) for an…

Virtual Public Safety Meeting about COVID-19 and Resources for Resilience
For our monthly Public Safety Meeting, we can’t safely meet in person – so please join us for a virtual meeting by Zoom to discuss COVID-19 and local resources for resilience on Tuesday, April 28th from 6-7:30pm. After staff updates on the Buddy system, supports for families with children, the farmers market, and ways we…

Amazon & Community Organizing
Please join Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation on Thursday 9/23 at 6:30 PM as we continue to organize with the Lawrenceville community (and beyond) in response to Amazon’s plans to open a last-mile distribution center at the former Sears Outlet site (27 51st Street). This virtual meeting will include a conversation with representatives from the…

Summer Food Services Program
Beginning Wednesday June 17th, the Lawrenceville Community Organic Garden will be hosting a weekly dinner for all children ages 18 and under. Through an alliance with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Food Security Partnership and the United Way of Allegheny County, the Community Garden will be home to all manner of food and activities from 6-8 PM…
Iron City Development
The 3rd Community Meeting was cancelled and we will let you know as soon as it is rescheduled.