Lawrenceville Farmers Market – Season Extension!
In case you missed it – the Lawrenceville Farmers Market Season has been extended until December 15. We’re now open 3:00 – 6:00 pm every Tuesday in Arsenal Park, with 3:00 – 3:30 reserved for those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. We have over 22 vendors selling fresh, local fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, cheese, meat, coffee,…
Senior Food Boxes
Thanks to Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh and the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, LU is excited to offer low-income seniors with a monthly box of food delivered to your house. The boxes will include canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, beans, cereal, pasta, bottled juice, shelf-stable milk, canned meat and 2 pounds of cheese. The next delivery…

Virtual Public Safety Meeting about COVID-19 and Resources for Resilience
For our monthly Public Safety Meeting, we can’t safely meet in person – so please join us for a virtual meeting by Zoom to discuss COVID-19 and local resources for resilience on Tuesday, April 28th from 6-7:30pm. After staff updates on the Buddy system, supports for families with children, the farmers market, and ways we…
Lawrenceville Farmers Market accepting vendor applications!
The 2020 vendor application for the Lawrenceville Farmers Market is now available. Interested applicants can mail an application or send a completed digital copy via email. For questions, please reach out to our Sarah Cole, our Market Manager: market@LUnited.org. For more information on the Lawrenceville Farmers Market, please click HERE or call us at 412-802-7220.
Announcement of Open Position: Farmers Market Manager
To open as a PDF, please click HERE. — Announcement of Open Position Lawrenceville Farmers Market Manager Part-Time (10-15 hours/week), Year Round About Lawrenceville United Lawrenceville United (LU) is an inclusive, resident-driven community-based non-profit organization dedicated to improving and protecting the quality of life of all Lawrenceville residents. LU is an equal opportunity employer…