Bio for Katie McAuley
Name: Katie McAuley
Area: 9th Ward
How long have you lived in Lawrenceville? 13 months
Why did you move to/ stay in Lawrenceville? loved the house, location, friends in the area, history w/LU, businesses, nature (cemetery, river, Arsenal), walkable, architecture.
Current Employer/ Job Title: Director of Programs at Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh (RTP)
Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: Work: Nonprofit: RTP (2016-present), GTECH (2015-2016), Austin, TX Habitat for Humanity (2012-2014). Internships: TX Low-income Housing Info Services, Lawrenceville United (2010-2011), PGH City Planning (2009), YWCA (2007). Board: P.O.O.R.L.A.W (2016-2018) Hazelwood based.
What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? The people! A lot of history in the neighborhood through long time residents & organized – I have faith that LV is/will be a leader for other neighborhoods on how to “evolve”/”change” equitably.
What is was one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood? Why? Housing: Fund free housing repair for low income homeowners, increase affordable housing units, and assist residents to utilize H.O.F funding.
What LU program or project most interests you? Why? Housing Committee work/ Housing issues- Inclusionary zoning, home repair assistance, fighting predatory buyers.
What is one fact that others might be surprised to know about you? Although I’ve only lived in Lawrenceville for 1 year, I’ve loved it for 9 years – interning at LU, writing my senior thesis at Chatham on the sustainable revitalization of Lawrenceville in 2011. I bought LV famous resident Carol Peterson’s House – which is on its way to being a Historic Landmark!