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Board Member George Saba
Name: George Saba Area: Central Lawrenceville/ 9th Ward How long have you lived in Lawrenceville? 2 years Why did you move to/ stay in Lawrenceville? I moved here because I was looking for a diverse and growing community in the city. Current Employer/ Job Title: Assistant Public Defender Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: I have worked on…
Board Member Jenny Skrinjar
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Garden Steward Opening
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Now hiring: Lawrenceville Farmers’ Market Manager
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Capuchin Property Redevelopment
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3601 Butler Street Development
6.26.2014 UPDATE Community Meeting Notes 3601 Butler Street St. Augustine’s Hall/ 6th Ward Block Watch June 9, 2014 Attendees: Anthony Dolan, Katie Yakich, Jim McMullen, John Deklewa Community Attendees: Ed Nusser, LC; Lauren Byrne, LU;10 local residents/ business owners Questions / Concerns Contextual rendering of the proposed building: Residents would like to see how the…