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Parking Concerns and Issues in Lawrenceville
LU continues to receive many questions and concerns around parking. The Pittsburgh Parking Authority attended the Happenings Block Watch in September and discussed issues relative to enforcement and the new meters that will be installed in Lawrenceville. Some residents were concerned that their streets are not being enforced effectively. Since the meeting, the Parking Authority…
Brewery Coming to 4901 Butler Street
The business owners who will be leasing this space from Wylie Holdings have applied for a special exception from the Zoning Board to open a small brewery at 4901 Butler Street. They have a hearing scheduled for March 7, 2013. Steve Sloan, the owner, has offered to meet with any individuals who may have concerns or questions. …
Social Association for Pittsburgh Professional (SAPP) Update
Social club under consideration in Polish Hill: By Diana Nelson Jones / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette A proposed social club in Polish Hill at a nexus with the Strip District and Lawrenceville has been vetted by the neighborhoods and is under consideration by the Zoning Board of Adjustment after a hearing Thursday [January 17, 2013]. A social club is not…

Summer Food Services Program
Beginning Wednesday June 17th, the Lawrenceville Community Organic Garden will be hosting a weekly dinner for all children ages 18 and under. Through an alliance with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Food Security Partnership and the United Way of Allegheny County, the Community Garden will be home to all manner of food and activities from 6-8 PM…
Squareview Apartments (3415-3417 Butler Street)
UPDATE: Zoning Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustments 200 Ross Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 2.13.2014 9:20a Zone Case #: 37/14 Chip Desmone will present plans for new 4-story multi-residential structure (12 units total) and 4,304 sq.ft. of the first floor to remain vacant for commercial use integral parking spaces. Seeking relief from the Zoning Code’s maximum height…
Inclusionary Zoning – March Update
A robust community process was held in the fall of 2018 that included three well-attended community meetings discussing the state of housing in Lawrenceville and the prospect of inclusionary zoning as a way to ensure affordability as the neighborhood grows. (For all the presentations and notes from that process, click here.) On February 19th, Councilwoman…