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The Vandal (4306 Butler St.)

3.11.2015 Owners of the building 4306 Butler Street, Joe Hilty and Emily Slagel, are planning to open a casual dining restaurant there this summer. The restaurant will be open 11am – 10pm 6 days a week (closed Mondays) and will offer mid-price options like sandwiches ($8-10) and simple entrees ($12-18). Emily, who also owns Mid-Atlantic…

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Round Corner Cantina (3720 Butler)

March 4, 2015 A community meeting was held March 3 regarding the liquor license application pending for Cantina/ Ballroom and the new restaurant proposed for the 3rd floor of the existing Round Corner Cantina building – The Ballroom. Lawrenceville United met with Derek Burnell, owner of Cantina, to outline the concerns from the meeting and…

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Grapperia (3801 Butler St.)

2.25.2015 UPDATE A meeting was held on 2.23 with owners of Grapperia. Details about the project can be found at the link below. Grapparia Info Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.12.2015 Domenic Branduzzi, owner of Piccolo Forno located at 3801 Butler Street, has proposed to open Grapperia behind his current restaurant (in the space formerly occupied by Jeffrey Smith Studio). …

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Senti – 3473 Butler Street

2.25.15 UPDATE Senti (3473 Butler Street) opened on January 20, 2015. Hours are listed as: Tue – Thu: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Fri – Sat: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Sun: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Franco Braccia and Annette Ishida will be…

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Sorrell’s Pub – 5238 Butler Street (Former Bottles)

Update: 1/22/2018 Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, and six residents filed a protest/petition to intervene in opposition to another proposed liquor license at 5238 Butler Street due to community concerns about owner James Haney’s criminal background that were raised during their first application in 2013. The City of Pittsburgh and Representative Dom Costa also filed petitions to intervene. We thank Councilwoman Deb Gross, Mayor Peduto, and Rep. Dom Costa for…

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Development at 41st and Butler – Thunderbird

UPDATE: 2.27.2014 On February 25th, Judge James rendered a decision in favor of Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation’s appeal of the zoning decision for the Thunderbird expansion.  For more information check out these articles: http://www.pghcitypaper.com/Blogh/archives/2014/02/28/surprise-court-order-complicates-thunderbird-expansion-plans http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2014/03/01/Judge-rules-against-popular-club-s-plans/stories/201403010052 http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/blog/the-next-move/2014/02/thunderbird-expansion-rejected-by.html?page=all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update: 8.1.2013 Zoning has approved the Development at 41st and Butler.  Currently Lawrenceville United is appealing the…

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4115 Butler Street – Smoke BBQ and Taqueria

2.25.15 UPDATE Smoke BBQ Taqueria opened at the beginning of February. Hours are listed as: Tuesday closed Mon-Thurs 11-10PM Friday 11-11PM Sat-Sun 10-11PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation convened a meeting on December 3, 2013 at Stephen Foster’s to discuss the proposed opening of Smoke BBQ and Taqueria at 4115 Butler Street.  A handful…

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IMPORTANT MEETING regarding a proposed new business at 4811 Butler St. in Lawrenceville

Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:00 pm Boys & Girls Club 4600 Butler Street Priyyash Inc. (Neil Shah – Manager ) is planning to open “Beer on Butler” a Beer Distributor that will also sell groceries and tobacco products at 4811 Butler Street. Priyyash, Inc. has applied for a Distributor Liquor License (LID 68811, License No….

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Dive Bar & Grill – 5147 Butler Street

A community meeting was held on Monday, August 26th at Goodwill as part of the Lawrenceville Responsible Hospitality Community Process. Owners Clint Kuskie, Gordon Judge, and Alison Judge were present to share their plans with residents and business owners in the community. All have backgrounds in the restaurant industry.   They hope to be open…

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Gus’s – 4717 Butler Street (Former Back Room Bar and Grill)

7.26.2013 A placard has been posted at 4717 Butler Street for a proposed new restaurant/ bar.  George Harritos, former owner of Harris Grill, is the proposed owner. We are working to schedule a community meeting for late July/ early August.  The menu – still in development – will be completely gluten-free. Sandwiches will be made…