The Zoning Hearing for this project will be held at 9:40AM on Thursday, June 25. The presentation shared at the February community meeting is available here: presentation.

A meeting was held on February 24 to discuss the new construction residential development of the lot/garden at 47th and Plummer. The developer, Randy Morris of Lowla LLC, attended with architect Andrew Moss of Moss Architects. The plans are still being finalized, and no zoning applications have been submitted yet.
Initial plans include:
-6 for-sale units with single-car garages on the ground floor and a shared driveway/courtyard behind them
-A single entryway to the courtyard and rear parking on Lycurgus Way
– There will be no new curb cuts made on 47th or Plummer as part of the development
-Units will be 2-3 bedrooms, each between 1700-2100 sq ft
-All units will face 47th Street
-To mitigate stormwater issues, pervious pavers will be used and 5 new trees will be planted in front of the townhouses. Tree pits and other landscaping will be used to catch stormwater.
-2 of the 6 units will have a 4th floor, all will have roof decks
-Pricing: 2 bedrooms = mid to high 200s, mid 300s for 3 bedrooms
-The developers plan to submit their plans to zoning in the next couple of weeks for approval. Variance requests will include:
-shared driveway
-possible variance on height above 40ft (potentially 42 ft)
-2 rear setbacks and side setbacks for all units
As plans are finalized, LU will share updates with those who attended the meeting in addition to regular updates in our newsletter/ on the website. To review a copy of the presentation from the meeting, or to be added to the contact list for this specific project, please contact LU.
Randy Morris, of LowLa LLC, is the owner of a lot at 47th and Plummer St. He is working with Moss Architects to design plans for 5 to 6 for-sale units on the property. The initial community meeting is planned for February 24 at 6pm at The Estelle S. Campbell Boys and Girls Club, 4600 Butler St. The owner, along with architects, will present the development plans to the community.