3601 Butler Street Development
6.26.2014 UPDATE
Community Meeting Notes
3601 Butler Street
St. Augustine’s Hall/ 6th Ward Block Watch
June 9, 2014
Attendees: Anthony Dolan, Katie Yakich, Jim McMullen, John Deklewa
Community Attendees: Ed Nusser, LC; Lauren Byrne, LU;10 local residents/ business owners
Questions / Concerns
- Contextual rendering of the proposed building: Residents would like to see how the building fits in with the existing community. Impact of views in all directions (especially looking up towards the Church.
- Shadow Study – Would like to see a sun study to understand the impact of the additional height.
- Building Height – Concerns around height (4 stories with an additional tower). Some residents felt that the building should be built within the code. Requests to provide a setback for the 4th story.
- Construction Issues- Residents would like commitment (in form of agreement) to work out logistical issues and parameters before beginning construction – specifically to address early morning noise, truck idling, dust, street closures, Saturday noise (impacting businesses) and other issues. Development team seemed amenable to pursuing a conversation and agreement.
- Traffic issues – Building to the corner will present some issues for current traffic patterns at this intersection. Trucks will no longer be able to use this road – as it will be difficult to see (especially to turn left onto Butler) and could create safety issues for pedestrians. Should be reviewed by DPW.
To see the full presentation from the meeting, click here.
A meeting was held on June 9, 2014 at St. Augustine’s Social Hall to discuss the proposed plans for Irwin M. Fletcher, LP (Principal – Anthony Dolan) to redevelop the space into a 4 story building with first floor commercial space and 15 residential units on the upper floors. Parking would be provided at the basement level – Mulberry Way access).
Residents had questions about the impact of the building on current traffic patterns – as turning from 36th to Butler could be dangerous with the building built to the property line. Other concerns or questions included whether or not the additional story obstructed existing views and in what way. Residents were also concerned with the impact of construction – so how early would trucks be arriving and working/ idling, etc. The development team is preparing additional information including a sun study of the proposed plans and what impact it has as well as a contextual view of the building. Parking was also brought up as an issue and the developer agreed to work with others to address long-term parking solutions although he was meeting the zoning code with the parking he was providing on site.
LU and LC will be attending a meeting between the developer and Councilwoman Gross next week and the development project is scheduled to go to the Zoning Board on June 26th. The majority of the community was supportive if the developer signed an agreement that laid out operational standards for his contractors and for the construction phase and if efforts were made to mitigate the negative impact on surrounding residents and businesses. LU will also be working with DPW to identify public safety and traffic issues that may be created at that intersection.
If you have questions or concerns please let us know!